Sunday, May 3, 2009

What exactly does a pastor's wife do?

Well, I recently became a Pastor's wife which has been a dream come true. I always prayed to marry a pastor and when I met Lucas although he wasn't a pastor yet he certainly had the passion to serve the Lord as a pastor. However, I never imagined exactly just how difficult it would be.

For me, being a pastor's wife simply means that my desires come second to the needs of Christ's kingdom. It is apparent in every aspect of our life, from our finances, to our time, to even where we live. It no longer is mine, not my money, not my weekends, not even where I live. I am simply here to follow my husband (submission - under his God given mission) and obey God.

Many times, it means that my Saturday nights are no longer about what I want to do but what needs to be done. You see this past weekend our church, DBC will be meeting at it's new location and we praise God for that place. But since it is a dance studio and we are currently renting, it means that the stage has to be set up every weekend, the chairs have to be arranged, the signs have to be put on display, the children's room has to be decorated and so forth. It's a lot of work and honestly I didn't do much of it but I do enable my husband to commit wholy to the ministry by being understanding and selfless. It's not my time with my husband because he belongs to the Lord and the Lord has entrusted me to build him up as his wife by building him up, encouraging him when needed and loving him.

I can't say that it's easy and many times I wonder if I will be able to "hack it". But I thank God that we are living in the center of His will. Every Sunday morning when I hear and see my husband preaching the word of God, ministering, serving, exhorting, I fall in love with him all over again and realize that this is what He was meant to do. It makes me so proud to be married to a godly man who has taught me the true meaning of service.

My Lord, I thank you so much for choosing me to be Lucas' wife. You fulfilled every single request of mine by giving him to me and I pray that I will never forget that. That I will be able to focus on his virtues and ignore his idiosyncracies. I thank you that someday our children will know and love you. Father God, give us strength to press on toward the goal and serve you wholeheartedly wherever you call us for the rest of our lives.

In Jesus' Name,


**cH@rLeNe** said...

Aww....that was beautiful!! I loved the prayer at the end. =) Anyway, how is your new church? Hey, I want to come to your house again. hehe Oh, isn't Deby moving in to her new house?? Tell her I say CONGRATULATIONS! She is doing great!

The Learning Journey said...

Indy, although I'm not a pastor's wife, I understand your dedicated role. For any succesful union, a wife and husband should have effective communication and the husband should lead the family according to God's plan.

Also, I can relate to the church situation. The church I belong to has 5 locations, so the one my family and I attend leases from a middle school. We set up and tear down for two services every Sunday. Each ministry has a team of volunteers. So, the middle school tends to not look like a school, but a place of worship. It's a beautiful thing, but hard work =)

May your marital and church commitment continue to be blessed!!

**cH@rLeNe** said...

Hey Ivett,...I know I don't know you, but what church do you go to??? Because my church has 5 campuses...I go to Christ Fellowship, you?
Anyway, haha. I posted a comment before you!! =) Because you are always first! I am Indy's half sister!

The Learning Journey said...

Yes, Charlene, same church @ the Homestead campus =)

Lucas Almeida said...

That is my beloved wife!!! God will contunue to guide us mi linda in everything we need to do. He's promissed many blessings to those who are faithfull to him and he is faithful. However we serve Him with our hearts and minds in Him not in us and he will take care of us (Matthew 6:33).

I love you Indy and will for the rest of my life :) I'm proud of all that you do! Keep on and I will to!!!

With much love


Marcy Ribeiro said...

OH Indy.. Thank you for this.. Im catching up on my blog readings.. As a pastor/elder's wife... need to be reminded about this.. and how grateful I am to have a Godly man.. oh what a prize.. God is so good, so great, so marvelous!!! thank you sister!!