Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Power of a Mentor

On one of the very first occassions my husband and I attended DBC, a beautiful, older woman came to talk to me after the service to tell me that she was here to help me in any way she could. She told me that if she didn't give me her number and tell me that she was here for me that she knew God would be mad at her. This woman wanted to do what God commands us (women) in Titus 2 to do. I thought that was so sweet and I truly appreciated it but I never really took her up on her offer until very recently.

It turns out that at DBC's first women's small group, she showed up and guess where she to me. Funny thing is that I didn't invite her. But guess who did, God! <--That's not a coincidence, it's a God-incidence.

So this past Friday we met for the second time and it was just three of us talking, listening and sharing. I basically told them where I was struggling (Read my previous post, Dream House). The following Sunday she brought me her devotional, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. She had the Spanish version like the one pictured above. I've actually "googled" it and found it here. It was precisely what I needed to read/hear from God.

I am so grateful to God for her life and that He led me to her.

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