Monday, July 13, 2009

Vacation Bible School

The blessing of being a part of a relatively new and small church are many. For one, we know everyone by name (almost everyone) and we get to hang out and spend time together as we get to know each other a little better. With those blessings there are also challenges. One of those being the fact that we don't do just one thing but we wear many hats.

Lately, I have found myself doing those things I never thought I'd be doing. Things that I'm not necessarily good at but things that if I did not step up and do, they'd never get done. The positive side is that the Lord is forcing me to step out of my comfort zone and serve with my gifts and talents in areas I never even imagined I'd be serving in. I have even discovered that there are also many gifts and talents that I will develop as I put them into practice (i.e. working in the nursery and taking care of the babies).

Next week, I am anticipating what could very well be the best week in the history of Doral Baptist Church as we host our first ever Vacation Bible School. We have a group of about 50 missionaries coming all the way from First Baptist Church of San Antonio. We are really looking forward to meeting them and are grateful for this great group of people who desire to serve the Lord.

I am praying that the Lord will stir up the hearts of children into a personal encounter with Jesus. I pray that these children will be the catalysts of change in their families, in their schools and in their city.

If you or someone you know lives in the Doral area and would like to jump aboard, register here.


The Learning Journey said...

awesome, enjoy the ride!

Danielle said...

VBS was tons of fun! Getting all those catchy songs stuck in my head was great! Meeting the missionaries from Texas what made it even more fun! Boomerang Express!!!