Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Garage Sale

Last weekend in an attempt to get rid of some junk and make room in the garage my mom and stepdad had a garage sale. I of course, went to help out and to make sure that my wedding dress didn't get accidentally sold in the process. Could you imagine?

My wedding dress never got sold (it's actually nicely tucked away in a perservation box in the garage). However, the sale of a painting of me did. It went to the highest bidder for only $.50, my husband. I can laugh at it now but when I saw my painting sitting outside in the driveway on sale with other stuff I was shocked.

Sometimes we have things in our lives that we don't really value or know how much they mean until we see that they are getting trashed. What is something that you would hate to see for sale at a garage sale?

1 comment:

Deby said...

Indy we were joking!!! Of course we wouldn't sell the painting of you!!! LOLOL