Friday, July 23, 2010

Relentless Christianity '10

"Relentless Christianity" was the name of our first youth camp with Doral Baptist Church. It was a time in which the teens were exhorted from Paul's words found in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 to "run in such a way as to get the prize." Some experienced "church" for the first time, others had a genuine encounter with the Lord but all were able to witness God's love for them while there.

I've been to camp before so I was expecting to have a good time, but I never imagined just how much of a blessing this particular time at camp would be. I was able to experience camp from a totally new perspective. I was now back as one of the leaders. Quite humbling if you ask me when just six years prior, I attended my very first youth camp.

I do indeed consider it a great privilege that God has entrusted us with the spiritual lives of so many young people. Being able to love on and be loved by such a great group of teens and young adults is truly overwhelming for me.

I pray that what the kids experienced at camp, would not end there. I pray that they would continue to pursue God and live out a "Relentless Christianity" until death.

The girls' room at camp

Getting to know each other

With my husband

Our church band rocking out!

The special guest preacher and a good friend of my husband's, Rey de Armas.

One of the fun games we played.

Good times hanging out in the pool

Erick and Catalina

Our youth leaders

With a very special young lady we met at camp. One of the reasons we do what we do.

Two more reasons we do what we do.

At the "Awards Ceremony"

2010 was awesome. We'll keep pursuing Him relentlessly and we'll be ready for whatever God has in store for us in 2011.


The Learning Journey said...

Looked like fun. What a blessing!

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