Isn't it funny that when we put on perfume those around us can smell it better than we can? Long after we forget the name of the fragrance we are wearing, others are still attracted to the scent. Oddly enough, sin can be like perfume. Others can smell the "scent" better than we can. In other words, many times we can may be committing a sin and be completely oblivious to it yet others will pick up on it immediately.
Yesterday someone who cares about me reminded me of something I had done incorrectly. Basically, I responded to someone using a very demanding tone. Unbeknownst to me, this person had taken offense to my attitude. Consequently, I hurt her feelings and even her perception of who I really am. My dear friend who confronted me, didn't keep silent though. She approached me in private and gave me sound advice at the most opportune time. I was so grateful because she approached in love. She was living out Galatians 6:1 which says, "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. "
I appreciate the way she spoke to me. It would have been easier for her to completely disregard the entire scenario. However she chose to do what was best for me. She edified me with her words and gave me the opportunity to learn and grow from my mistake. In turn, my respect and admiration for her grew almost instantaneously because of her response to the situation. I was also able to make the decision to be intentional in working hard to change this flaw with God's help. It is truly my desire to live out the Golden Rule and treat others the way I want to be treated.
My relationship with the person who was offended has been restored. Even though she was initially hurt by my action, she was able to see past that offense and give me a second chance. Thank God for second chances!
Forgive me for the many times I seek my own good at the expense of others. Show me how to truly live out the Golden Rule and treat others as I want to be treated. Help me take time out from my busyness to invest in the lives of others. Help align my priorities to yours. Thank you for my friend who was able to love me in deed and action. And thank you that although we may mess up, you have a way of working things out for us.
In Jesus' name,
If you would like to learn a little more about confronting others with love, I encourage you to visit my new blog friend, Jana's blog here. She has posted some handy tips to use when we need to confront someone and how to respond when we are on the receiving end. Go ahead and CLAP (Gotta check out her blog to know what I'm talking about).
Oh my goodness Indy...thank you so much! Correction done the right way brings life and the experience you shared is evident of that. Thank you for sharing that with good!
Indy, great words here and a wonderful reminder of how desensitized to sin we can become. And how beautiful it is when we can become aware of those issues when a fellow christian restores gently. This topic has become a sacred echo for me this last week...makes me wonder if he's preparing me to receive some good, godly correction...or give it or something related. Thanks for your humility in sharing.
yeah this is very helpful i usually have a nasty way to response when something is done wrong to me and instead i put hate i been working on this and i read the CLAP blog and wow so much i need to learn and that is gonna be my guidance because i can be so nasty when someone is nasty to me :)
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